Confessions of a Potterholic #4: Presents for Those with a Proclivity for Potter

Hello! My name is Trisha, and I’m a Potterholic!

It’s that time of year again!  It’s time for Christmas trees, lights, getting together with family and friends, and of course giving presents!

Do you have that one (or several) person in your life that you just can’t figure out a good gift for? Do they like Harry Potter? Then, this is the post for you! In this month’s Potterholic installment, we’re going to talk about the perfect gift for that Potter-obsessed person in your life.

*Ten points for Gryffindor if you got the reference in the title* Continue reading

Sunday (Monday) Wrap-Up: November 30, 2015

Ugh! I know! I’ve been a day late two weeks in a row! I swear it’s not going to become a habit….

Anyway, welcome to my weekly Sunday Wrap-Up.  Here you’ll find what I’ve been up to this week: An overview of my posts, My weekly book haul, and what to expect for the upcoming week.  Enjoy 🙂 Continue reading

Confessions of a Potterholic #3 (Guest Post): Inside the Hogwarts PTA

In the event of my untimely demise, my blog will be left in the most capable hands of Bryan, one of my best friends and host of the brand-spanking-new SheNERDigans podcast.  They discuss all kinds of nerdy things and happenings, up to and including Harry Potter!  avatars-000184240947-mbi31b-t500x500This month, I asked Bry to write up a guest post for Confessions of a Potterholic, and the inner-workings of his brain might actually be more convoluted than mine….at least when it comes to things of the Potter persuasion.  I gave him absolutely no parameters or guidelines except to “write something Potter”.  His twisted little mind came up with the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry PTA! Here goes nothing…. Continue reading