Review + Giveaway: The Secrets We Kept by Lily Velez

Book & Author details:
The Secrets We Kept by Lily Velez
Publication date: November 8th 2015
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult

One year. That’s how long it’s been since childhood sweethearts Sully Graham and Cadence Gilbertson broke up, since one adoption and one out-of-state move turned their worlds upside down.

Suddenly, Cadence is back in New York City, but something’s different about her. The light in her eyes, the music in her laughter, the warmth in her smile—all of those things have entirely vanished. In their place stand the makings of a girl Sully can’t even begin to recognize, much less understand.

Continue reading

Thief of Lies Excerpt Blitz!

I know I just raved about this book two days ago, but I’m seriously going to plug it every chance I get!

About the Book:

Title: Thief of Lies (Library Jumpers, #1)

Release date:  1/5/16

Author: Brenda Drake

Gia Kearns would rather fight with boys than kiss them. That is, until Arik, a leather clad hottie in the Boston Athenaeum, suddenly disappears. While examining the book of world libraries he abandoned, Gia unwittingly speaks the key that sucks her and her friends into a photograph and transports them into a Paris library, where Arik and his Sentinels—magical knights charged with protecting humans from the creatures traveling across the gateway books—rescue them from a demonic hound. Continue reading

Rock My TBR Challenge 2016: The Classics

About a month and a half ago, I wrote a post called “Sometimes I Feel Like A Fraud”.  In that post, I talked about how I really haven’t read any books that most people would refer to as “classics”.  At the end of the post, I swore that I was going to do some kind of challenge in 2016 to motivate me to change that.

Enter the Rock My TBR Challenge hosted by Sarah K @ The YA Book Traveler :

The Challenge:

  • To read a minimum of 1 book per month you already own (published book). This challenge is totally what YOU make of it! You can do 5 books a month, 10, WHATEVER! Anything you accomplish is fantastic. This challenge is really what you make of it.

SO, what I decided to make of this challenge was to read one book a month that I and others would consider one of the classics.  I quite literally have an entire book case dedicated to these babies and I’ve read precious few of them.  My Rock My TBR books for 2016 are: Continue reading

Review: Thief of Lies by Brenda Drake

Gia’s life isn’t perfect, but it’s pretty darn good.  She may be a bit on the awkward side, but she’s got her two best friends and her books.  Honestly, what else does a girl need in life? All that changes when she accidentally falls into a book.  Yup. You read that right.  She fell into a book. When she lands in a library in Paris (thousands of miles away from the one she left in Boston), Gia is introduced thrown into a world far beyond her wildest dreams….and nightmares.

In a world where jumping through libraries is common, and there’s really no such thing as normal, Gia, accompanied by Arik, her leather-clad and oh so gorgeous protector, must give up her ordinary life to dodge an evil wizard hell-bent on her demise and save both the mystical and human worlds in the process. Continue reading

The Absentee Blogger


Ok, so you may (or may not, depending on my level of noticability) have picked up on the fact that I haven’t been around for a little over a week.  I decided, without warning or regard to other sentient beings in and around the blogosphere, to take a bit of a break.

It may appear, to the less astute eye, that I have vanished, disapparated, or otherwise poofed from existence.  But, have no fear, fellow bookworms, I’m still here! Continue reading

Blog Tour: Forgetting August by J.L. Berg



She can forgive, but can she forget?
Some days, Everly still thinks she sees him. In the food court at the mall, or in a car speeding past as the light changes. It only lasts a second, but when it happens, she slips back to a time when she was ruled-and nearly ruined-by August Kincaid. And it doesn’t matter that she’s moved on, that she’s about to marry another man. In those moments the only thing she can do to regain control is take a deep breath and remind herself that August can’t hurt her-because he’s in a coma. Except that he’s not anymore. Continue reading

Confessions of a Potterholic #4: Presents for Those with a Proclivity for Potter

Hello! My name is Trisha, and I’m a Potterholic!

It’s that time of year again!  It’s time for Christmas trees, lights, getting together with family and friends, and of course giving presents!

Do you have that one (or several) person in your life that you just can’t figure out a good gift for? Do they like Harry Potter? Then, this is the post for you! In this month’s Potterholic installment, we’re going to talk about the perfect gift for that Potter-obsessed person in your life.

*Ten points for Gryffindor if you got the reference in the title* Continue reading