3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge: Day 3

I’m late with this! SORRY!

One last thank you to Amber over at OnlyTrueMagic for tagging me for this challenge:-)  To see her 3 Quotes Challenge and some other cool stuff, hop on over to her page!

The Rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Post a quote for 3 consecutive days (1 quote for each day).
  3. Nominate three new bloggers each day.

Today’s Quote:

So, I’ve been trying to pull from different genres for each of my quotes.  Day 1 was from a YA series (Harry Potter), Day 2 was from a Children’s book (The Giving Tree), and today is from an adult novel (The Help).  Today’s quote is:

the_help_book_quotesThe Help by Katherine Stockett Continue reading

Review: Perfected by Kate Jarvik Birch

We all know there’s no such thing as “Perfect”; but in Ella’s world they try, maybe a little too hard.  Ella was born and raised in a kennel, but she’s not a dog.  She’s a human; born in a lab, and raised to be the perfect “pet”.  Ella spent the first 16 years of her life learning how to pose, speak, and perform in order to be bought and spoiled as the perfect family companion.

She is overjoyed when she’s purchased by a congressman and his family and couldn’t be happier about her new home and surroundings.  She’s suddenly surrounded by beautiful things, shown and given more than she could ever have dreamed, and is perfectly poised to live a contented life of luxury.  But when things aren’t what they seem and Ella is suddenly feeling things and thrust into situations that she was not bred to have any idea how to navigate, her world takes a sinister turn.  Ella is forced to make a decision to stay and adapt to the horror that has become her life, or leave, and experience the freedom that she never thought she wanted, but may be what’s best for her and those she cares about.

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3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge: Day 2

I was tagged for this challenge by Amber over at OnlyTrueMagic! Her site is awesome, so please go send her some love:-)

The Rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Post a quote for 3 consecutive days (1 quote for each day).
  3. Nominate three new bloggers each day.

Today’s Quote:

I know I’m usually sarcastic and more than a little snarky. But, buckle your seatbelt; I’m about to have a rare moment of sappiness. That being said, my quote for today is:


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Sometimes I Feel Like A Fraud.

Last week, I read and reviewed The Bronte Plot by Katherine Reay. In reading the book and writing the review, I got to thinking. So much of the backbone of the book focuses around the lives and works of the Bronte sisters (thus the title), and while I really enjoyed reading it, I felt at such a disadvantage because I’ve never read anything by any of the Brontes.  Ok, I may have read Wuthering Heights….like 10 years ago….and I’m not 100% sure that I finished it. Continue reading

Review: Nirvana by J.R. Stewart

*I received this book from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for my honest review*
*This review is based upon the newest release and not the one made available prior to September 2015*

Don’t-Ever-Call-Her-Larissa Kenders is a punk-rocker hellbent on saving the world through her angry sounding music and surly attitude (with a little civil disobedience thrown in for fun). When the earth is depleted of its bee population, Kenders and the rest of the Earth’s populace are left with a desolate world devoid of animals, plants, and anything that isn’t some dingy shade of brown.

Given the sad state of reality, concessions must be made in an attempt to keep up the morale of the people. Kenders’ fiance, Andrew is the lead coder in the creation of a continuously evolving virtual reality called “Nirvana”.  When Andrew disappears and Kenders is forced to identify his burned-beyond-recognition body, the last thing on the planet that Kenders can count on and love is now gone.  In an effort to escape her grief, Kenders finds herself spending more time in Nirvana.  In Nirvana, Kenders can spend more time with Andrew.  Even if he is a cheek-bite virtual version of the man she loves, she is able to find some solace and a small bit of peace in the time she gets to spend with him.  But when “virtual” Andrew breaks script and asks for her help, Kenders is filled with hope and can’t help buy comply with his plan to take down Hexagon, the organization that runs every aspect of their lives; good, bad, ugly, and even virtual. Continue reading